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This page includes a transcript of "Pillars of Communications," the tenth campaign mission of Project Wingman.

Contract Details[]



Stardust: There’s nothing much I need to say to you, Sicario, Operation Blackout will be conducted entirely by you. I cannot, however, express enough how important this strike is. Commander, you have the floor.
Assassin 1 | Kaiser: The Aitor Desert has hosted the Solana Communication Array for the greater part of the decade, it was a Federation project in-country that was meant to boost and maintain the communication infrastructure of Cascadia. However, during the war, it has served as a jamming and communication facility. The very basis of a unified command structure is built on the Pillars of Communication, and if we can take out this facility, it’ll be like yanking the rug out right beneath their feet. The facility is heavily defended, hosting an airbase and a ground garrison on its own, the only way we’re getting boots on the ground is via a mass airdrop followed by relentless close air support from our fighter group until the entire place is overrun, it’s as simple as that. Now normally, the Independence Force would be offering some assistance, but they can’t afford to now. Under any other pretense, this is a suicide mission, even with the air corridor Monarch cleared up, there’s only enough fuel for a one-way trip, so the only way we’re coming back is if we take the adjoining airbase after we hit the facility. Expect heavy air and ground resistance; Pillboxes, tanks, AA, airships, the whole shebang. If we pull this off, well, let’s just say we’ll be handsomely rewarded. Gold or glory, gentlemen, get to your planes. The Cascadians call this place “the Devil’s Sandbox,” so what does that mean when we’re the ones playing in it, huh? [laughs] Let’s go!

Mission Splash[]

35°21'15" N, 106°53'36" W | WEATHER: CLEAR | 1630 LOCAL TIME

Mission Dialogue[]


AWACS | Galaxy: Galaxy to all Sicario elements, we are go for Operation Blackout.
AWACS | Galaxy: Total destruction of the enemy’s communication facilities are our prime objective for this operation,
AWACS | Galaxy: cover Circus and destroy any base defenses before they deliver the ground forces to the DZ.
AWACS | Galaxy: Over to you, Boss.
Assassin 1 | Kaiser: This is the largest deployment in our history as a mercenary group. The Independence Force put a lot of faith in us for this operation, let’s not disappoint.
Sicario Armored Unit: So I guess it also means largest payout ever, right?
AWACS | Galaxy: [sighs] I wish I could say the same...

AWACS | Galaxy: Okay, all flights, looks like the early defenses aren’t the only issue now.
AWACS | Galaxy: We have bogeys inbound from the north toward our transports.
AWACS | Galaxy: That means you, Hitman, intercept and engage.
Hitman 2 | Diplomat: Back off, Galaxy, we’re going, we’re going.
Hitman 3 | Comic: ‘bout time, Comic engaging.
Federation Pilot: Confirmed rebel forces crossing into our airspace, I’ve got a visual on a non-uniform flight formation and transport aircraft.
Federation Facility Command: Coup forces this far in?! We can't afford to let them destroy anything here, deploy what we have![note 1]

Federation Facility Command: Recalling the other defense squadrons from patrol, do not let them deploy ground forces.

Sicario Transport | Circus: One minute!
Sicario Transport | Circus: Outbound personnel, stand up!
Sicario Airborne: Stand up, stand up!
Sicario Transport | Circus: Hook up, hook up!
Sicario Airborne: Hook up, hook up![note 1]
Sicario Pilot: Could never pay to jump out of a perfectly good plane.

Sicario SOF | Ronin: This is Ronin Actual to Assassin Lead, we’ve infiltrated the main facility, we’ll soften up the defenses before you attack it for exfiltration, out.
Hitman 2 | Diplomat: We have our SOF in the AO?
Assassin 1 | Kaiser: Affirmative, Hitman 2, gotta make sure we have an exit strategy.

After AA defenses down[]

Sicario Transport | Circus: We’re over the drop zone, go, go, go!
Sicario Armored Unit: We’re going over, hold on!
AWACS | Galaxy: Air assault operation is a go. All Circus flight elements, remain on station until the airfield is ours. Gunsel 6 and 7, cover the Circus until reassigned.
Sicario Transport | Circus: Copy that, Galaxy.
AWACS | Galaxy: Hitman flight, you are reassigned to air-land battle, search and destroy targets of opportunity at will, secure the battlespace as our ground forces get set for the attack on the main facilities.


Hitman 3 | Comic: Wilco, Galaxy.
Hitman 2 | Diplomat: Come on, Monarch, we’re free range now.
Sicario Airborne: We lose anyone on the jump?
Sicario Airborne: Hell of a jump to kick the bucket on, it’s gonna be the biggest payout for me.
Hitman 2 | Diplomat: Sheesh, what kind of contracts do these ground forces get, am I being underpaid?!
Hitman 3 | Comic: You’re paid more in a mission than some of our grunts do in a contract, you know.
AWACS | Galaxy: Diplomat, you’re as cheap as the booze Comic buys.
Hitman 2 | Diplomat: Hey, how about you come and fly, you glorified radio jockey?!
Assassin 1 | Kaiser: Cut the chatter. All Sicario ground elements, regroup and get rolling ASAP.
AWACS | Galaxy: The enemy is dug in around the outlying facilities, looks like a layered defense. Hitman Team, engage at will. Gunsel Team, act in support. Assassin, you’re providing direct CAS for the ground troops.[note 2]

Hitman 2 | Diplomat: Hey Gunsel, Assassin, lend us a hand here?
AWACS | Galaxy: Negative, Hitman 2, you can handle it.
Hitman 2 | Diplomat: An entire battlefield?!

Federation Ground Unit: God damn, they’re just flying through our defenses!
Federation Ground Unit: Affirm our battle line, wrangle them into an AA layer!

Federation Ground Unit: We’ve got both enemy air and ground troops coming down on us.

Hitman 3 | Comic: This is what I signed up for, go on, come on!

Attack on airbase[]

Sicario SOF | Ronin: Executing.
Federation Facility Command: Explosions this close?! What do you-

AWACS | Galaxy: We’re reading multiple defenses going down wholesale, but not all, and we’ve got incoming fighters and gunships, watch it.
Sicario SOF | Ronin: This is Captain Kelleher, we’re going to seize the command center now, going dark.
Assassin 1 | Kaiser: Good work, cowboy.
Assassin 1 | Kaiser: Sicario, we have our window, commence attack!
AWACS | Galaxy: Designating new targets and HVTs on the IFF, have at it.

AWACS | Galaxy: Yeah, I was afraid of that, electromagnetic and geothermal readings going up all across the board.
AWACS | Galaxy: All Sicario assets in the area, be advised, we’ve got high-caliber railguns firing up, they’ll put a slug through you real fast, so heads up.
Hitman 2 | Diplomat: A little more warning would have been nice!

Federation Facility Command: Don’t let them get the encryption codes, either destroy it or take it with you.

AWACS | Galaxy: Update from the Independence Force HQ:
AWACS | Galaxy: All ground forces, secure as much encryption and intelligence data as possible, but if we are unable, just torch and burn.
Assassin 1 | Kaiser: All forces, break it down, burn it, cause as much damage as you can to this place and we’ll blow this war wide open!

AWACS | Galaxy: Well, lookie here, that jamming is just plummeting, keep hitting 'em!

AWACS | Galaxy: All units, connect to my uplink and I’ll call out targets with the fighter’s IFF connection, should make your job easier.

Federation Facility Command: Damn it. All ground forces, reconverge on our secondary facilities and try to stop them there. 1st Defense Battalion, roll out to Defense Line Yellow.

Sicario Airborne: Hey, we’ve got tanks inbound, set up the ATGMs.
Sicario Airborne: Cover our six, Robertson, there might still be security troops behind us.
Sicario Armored Unit: Angle our hull, let the armor do its thing!

AWACS | Galaxy: All Mobster Elements, move in tandem with Hitman’s airstrikes.

Federation Facility Command: What do you mean we’ve lost our forward facilities?! Deploy the reserves and dig in around this base!

AWACS | Galaxy: Khan 3-2, hold position and consolidate with 3-3 section, we’re putting mortar rounds out to cover Alpha Mission.

Hitman 3 | Comic: You know he’s gunning for the Boss’ spot once he buys the farm, gotta get the practice commanding in.

Airbase neutralized[]


AWACS | Galaxy: No more contacts across the board, all Federation hostiles considered no factor. Ground units, confirm?
Sicario Armored Unit: Phew...yeah, I think they’re smoked, Galaxy.
Sicario SOF | Ronin: This is Ronin Actual, we’ve seized the tower and put out an all-clear on the Federation comms.
Sicario SOF | Ronin: They think we’re running drills, we should be clear until the next update schedule in an hour.
Assassin 1 | Kaiser: Good work today, people. All damaged aircraft, land and do repairs as needed, if you can’t, just use one of their planes.
Assassin 1 | Kaiser: Ground forces, smash and grab anything worth it and await pickup by Circus, let’s not overstay our welcome.
Sicario Transport | Circus: This is the Circus, we’re coming in.


AWACS | Galaxy: Alright, pick up what you need to get out of here, we can celebrate when we’re back at Rowsdower!


  1. 1.0 1.1 This line is not subtitled.
  2. Subtitles add "take them apart" after "engage at will".