Project Wingman Wiki
Project Wingman Wiki

The T/F-4 is a two-seater trainer aircraft based on the F/E-4. It lacks most of the special armaments of the original version, but remains capable of carrying eight UGBLs (large unguided bombs). It is one of the starting aircraft of Project Wingman. Its only skin is a jet-black body with mercenary, Monarch, and Prez emblems.

Behind the scenes[]

Hangar glitch

The T/F-4's hardpoint selection screen mistakenly counts the only hardpoint as the second one (2/2).

Project Wingman/World on Fire Aircraft
Playable Trainers: T-21T/F-4
Fighters: F/C-15F/C-16MG-29Sk.27
Interceptors: CR.105 (Mk.2*) • F/D-14MG-21 (Mk.2*) • MG-31
Strikes: F/E-4SV-37
Attacker: Sk.25U
Multiroles: Accipiter (Mk.2*) • F/E-18
Prototypes: Sk.37F/S-15VX-23ChimeraSP-34RPW-Mk.I
Unplayable ACG-01(T1Mod02)BC-4SC-8 (FC-8) • C/T-17D/V-204EP-215F/F-18I/A-52P.28Sk.30Sk.50X-PF
* denotes being only available to use in Conquest mode.