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Project Wingman Wiki
Project Wingman Wiki

This article is about an in-game mission. For the in-universe event, see Operation Null Star.

"Get the guards to seal the doors, start up the remote outlink to the mainland, this is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity."
"Emphasis on "lifetime," sir."
Federation scientists

"Midnight Light" is the twelfth mission of Project Wingman. The player leads Hitman Team in a raid on the Harkema Industrial Park in the Scarred Sea to investigate reports of Pacific Federation weapons research.


The player must attack a number of platforms with a range of ground defenses, including railguns. Accipiters and P.28 attack helicopters are also patrolling the area. Most armed enemies are PRIORITY targets; other targets include buoys, cargo ships, containers, radar dishes, and an LCS.

Once all PRIORITY targets are destroyed, a scripted dialogue sequence will initiate. Following its completion, Frost takes off in an SP-34R. She has three phases with one health bar each, and is shot down when all three bars are depleted, with each phase rewarding 3,500 points. The SP-34R has no missiles but utilizes powerful gun barrages, and starting from the second phase will also engage the player with a rapid-fire railgun, the fire rate of which increases dramatically in the third phase. Shooting down Frost completes the mission.

Mercenary difficulty[]

F/S-15s launch with and support Frost in her boss fight.

Enemy List[]

Section Unit Points Count Mercenary
Initial EnemyG OIL TANK 50 1
EnemyG BUOY 50 3
EnemyG SAM 150 1
EnemyG AA 150 2
EnemyG C-RAM 150 2
EnemyA-N EP-215 150 2
EnemyG-P M-SAM 150 2
EnemyG RADAR 150 3
EnemyG-P SAM 150 4
EnemyG-P C-RAM 150 6
EnemyA-P P.28 150 9
EnemyG REFINERY 200 2
EnemyG CONTAINER 200 7
EnemyA-P ACCIPITER 250 6
EnemyG L-SAM 300 5
EnemyG-P SPY SHIP 600 1
EnemyG CARGO SHIP 600 4
EnemyG-HVT RAILGUN 600 11
Mission Update EnemyA PW-MK.I 250 1[note 1]
EnemyG-HVT UNKNOWN 125 1[note 2]
EnemyA F/S-15 250 6
EnemyA-HVT SP-34R "FROST" 10500 1

Behind the scenes[]

Matthew Nguyen stated Frost was intended to use Skin 04 of the SP-34R, but for unknown reasons, she used Skin 01 instead.[1]


  • Despite Diplomat's opening quote, the moon is quarter-full rather than full.
  • The identity of the SP-34R's pilot will be "UNKNOWN" until the third and final phase.


  1. Nguyen, M. [FlyAwayNoVV]. (2021, 06 Feb). It's supposed to be 4 [Comment on the online forum post Which SP-34R skin was used by Frost Druid?]. Reddit.


  1. This aircraft will launch with Frost but cannot be targeted and will fly east off the map. Its HP is worth four railgun shots.
  2. This target appears as a white container box and will disappear as soon as the takeoff sequence begins.