Project Wingman Wiki
Project Wingman Wiki
Project Wingman Wiki

President Mabiala is the current President of the West African Concordat during the time of the Cascadian Conflict.


Following the Prospero Disaster and the Cascadian Calamity Event, Mabiala was sent a summary of the event, which corroborated based on public reports and intercepted confidential communications (partially by the Cascadian Independence Force) that the Pacific Federation had crossed the line with its heinous decimation of Cascadia. The report advised for the concordat's member states to join other countries in condemning the Federation and send out proxy support to the Independence Force until such deteriorating conditions that they are finally destroyed. Due to Cascadia being effectively cut off from the world by the geothermal events, the report also advised for the seizure and investigation of all Federation assets - including cordium weaponry - under concordat jurisdiction.[1]


  1. Sector D2 Limited. (2020). Project Wingman [Video game]. San Francisco, CA: Humble Games. Files Archive → World Entries: Prospero Disaster International Fallout